
2019 Toyota C-HR Baltimore Catonsville, MD #3T096697

Call or visit for a test drive of this vehicle today!
Phone: 844-420-3008

Year: 2019
Make: Toyota
Model: C-HR
Trim: XLE
Engine: 2.0L I4 DOHC 16V
Transmission: CVT
Stock #: 3T096697
*Your additional costs are sales tax, tag and title fees for the state in which the vehicle will be registered, any dealer-installed options (if applicable) and a dealer processing fee ($299 Maryland; not required by law); ($144 Pennsylvania). Prices are subject to change, and prior sales are excluded from these offers. While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions contained on these pages. Please verify any information in question with the dealer.

About MileOne Heritage Toyota Catonsville:
We are a new and certified used Toyota dealership serving the Baltimore area.
If you live in Ellicott City or Columbia, you are just a short trip away from a new or used Toyota car, truck, or SUV. Call or visit us today for your best deal!

To find another MileOne Automotive dealership in your area, visit http://www.mileone.com
6324 Baltimore National Pike
Baltimore Catonsville, MD 21228
