ABeam Consulting: Branded Film

We produced and directed a brand film for ABeam Consulting, the largest consulting firm in Japan. Based on an interview of Toshinori Iwasawa who became the company president in his 40′s and has since been leading the huge firm with a few thousand employees, the film unfolds itself in sharp black and white images with a touch of speedy compilation and sound design.
JKD collaborated for the first time ever with Nick Dwyer & Tu Neill, the director unit well-known for their numerous amazing documentary films from Red Bull Music Academy. We also welcomed Jin Ito as DOP, and Daisuke Tanabe for music.

日本最大級のコンサルティングファーム、ABeam Consultingのブランド映像を企画制作しました。40代で社長に就任、数千人規模のファームを今もリードし続ける岩澤俊典氏へのインタビューをベースに、シャープなモノクロ映像とドライブ感あふれる編集、サウンドデザインで構成しています。ディレクターは、JKDと初のコラボレーションとなったNick Dwyer&Tu Neill。RedBull Music Academy 関連の数々の素晴らしいドキュメンタリー映像作品で知られるユニットです。DOPはJin Ito 、音楽はDaisuke Tanabe。
