TOP 10 SPORTS CAR REVIEW | 5. HONDA NSX | sports car review | vehicles & cars review | ferrari | bmw

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Honda NSX

Honda has managed to deploy world-first powertrain technology with a superb lightness of touch. It has used unconventional means to perfect, rather than reinvent, the conventional junior supercar.

And it has produced a very rare breed of mid-engined exotic as a result: one that doesn’t shout about its potential or impose itself on your senses, but is instead a very mature and complete driver’s car.

Despite updates introduced in 2019 – which, among the bright orange paint-job, included detail chassis tweak and recalibrations for the adaptvie damping, steering and four-wheel drive – it could still be better equipped, nicer to travel in and a touch more luridly exciting at times. However, for its fusion talents, it deserves respect. Arguably only the McLaren 570S offers a more compelling driving experience, but it does so with a far simpler powertrain.
