What it's Like To Drive a Better-Than-New BMW E39 M5 - One Take

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The BMW E39 M5 was, at the time of its release in 2000, the most significant sport sedan development in a decade at least. With a 400-horsepower V8, a beautifully balanced chassis with precise, hydraulic steering, and a 6-speed manual as the only transmission option, it was poised for success. M5's have grown faster and easier to drive (automatic) since then, but, frankly, not any better, and the E39 was a high water mark that has yet to be topped by the Bavarians. High maintenance costs plagued the used market, and many examples fell into disrepair. Others were kept minty fresh, or restored. This Alpine White 2003 model is the best-of-the-best, with only 28,000 original miles AND two trips through the pricey Enthusiast Auto Group for freshening. But if you had to ask me whether I'd rather spend $100k on a mint E39 M5 in a rare color, or on a brand new M3 CS? I'll have the E39, and after you see this video, you'll get why.

Paul Zuckerman of the Spike's Car Radio Podcast provided the vehicle and insurance for this review.
Listen to his appearance on the TST Podcast here!:

Listen to EAG's Eric Keller on The Smoking Tire Podcast Here!

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